Even Shinier! Electroplating Update

So. This process I have developed has been vastly improved, and has provided some really nice results. Just a few more supplies have helped vastly increased the quality of these electroplated parts.

The main difference I got was a brightener additive for both of my solutions. Then getting a new power buck which is very precise and easy to use. Some bare copper wire and careful planning also helps the copper to spread evenly and without any blemishes to the surface of the parts.

There are also a couple of other improvements that help there be more consistent results. One is some anode bags made from pool filtering cloth, and another is a cathode bar that you hang the parts from. Here is a video by Jason welsh that sows the method I emulated.

Another Mask I made This time using my nickel plating bath.


Resin 3d Printing Experiments


Electroplating. Ooh, shiny!